acetate process

英 [ˈæsɪteɪt ˈprəʊses] 美 [ˈæsɪteɪt ˈprɑːses]

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  1. PVA-PFSA/ PAN Composite Membrane for Pervaporation Dehydration in the Enhanced Esterification of Ethyl Acetate Production and Process Simulation
  2. Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol Monoether Acetate by One Step Process from Ethylene Oxide
  3. Synthesis and Alcoholysis of the IPNs of Styrene and Vinyl Acetate; New Process to Prepare Ethyl Acetate from Ethylene and Acetic Acid Addition Reaction
  4. Antibacterial substances were existed in ethyl acetate and n-butanol phase during extraction process.
  5. The gelling characteristic of water glass-ethyl acetate system was studied and the effect of amount of ethyl acetate added in the gelling process on the particle size and pore structure of silica powder was investigated.
  6. The electron population on the imino-nitrogen atom is the largest, thus the mercuric acetate should first coordinate with imino-nitrogen atom in the process of the reaction and then subsequent electrophilic substitution takes place in the ortho-position of the.
  7. Synthesis of Propyl Acetate Using the Process Combining Continuous Esterification with Distillation
  8. Synthesis of Norethisterone Acetate by a One Step Process
  9. In this study, the anaerobic acetate metabolism was investigated in the biological phosphorus removal process.
  10. Study on the Preparation of Methyl Acetate by Slurry Catalytic Distillation Process
  11. The present situation of terpinyl acetate synthesis has been reviewed. One-step and two-steps process for the synthesis of terpinyl acetate and relevant reaction mechanism are discussed.
  12. Simulation analysis of methyl acetate hydrolysis process in catalytic distillation column
  13. Separation of acetic acid-water-butyl acetate system is a gas-liquid-liquid three phase azeotropic distillation process, and phase splitting judgment and algorithm improvement are the main issues in distillation simulation.
  14. A Method of Increasing Product Rate of Vinyl Acetate Synthesized by the Process of Carbide and Acetylene
  15. The experimental method for modified copolymerization of polyvinyl acetate was presented and the optimal process conditions were set.
  16. Rapidly Synthesis of Ethylene Glycol Acetate and Its Application in Casting Process
  17. Studies saponification reaction of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers by heterogeneous process
  18. A new method for determining the iodine value of oil and fat is reported. The method only requires to add the catalyst mercuric acetate in the process of determination without changing the operational steps of the Hanus method.
  19. Butyl Acetate Production New Process by Continuous Catalytic Reaction and Distillation
  20. A Study on the Anaerobic Acetate Metabolism in the Biological Phosphorus Removal Process
  21. Reduction mechanism of magnesium acetate in NO production process
  22. Study on Kinetics of Methyl Acetate Synthesis and Simulation of Reactive Distillation Process
  23. Adopting the lead acetate and acetylacetone development process and making the qualitative detection connecting with the check samples can determine quickly the formaldehyde sodium bisulfite in the food.
  24. In comparison with acetyl acetate method we found that in the reaction process the concentration of enol-like compound had some effect on the reaction rate.
  25. The accumulation of acetate was enhanced during the xylose metabolism process.
  26. The separation and purify of isopropenyl acetate in the productive technology of acetyl acetone by cracking process was studied in this paper.
  27. Preparation of total Coumarins: successively used macroporous resin adsorption technology, organic solvent extraction and other different methods, finally, organic solvents ( ethyl acetate) extraction method used as the extraction process for its simple and Content meet the requirements.
  28. A large amount of waste ethyl acetate-Isopropanol solvent is produced in the process of production of ammonia. For their recycling, will greatly reduce production costs, but will also reduce waste liquid discharge as a result of environmental pollution.